Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Navy Boot Camp - 28 Years Ago Today

28 years ago today I spent my first full day at RTC Great Lakes, on the shores of the great lakes in Chicago, better known as U.S. Navy Bootcamp. What a shock that was.....haha. Arrived about 2.00 in the morning and no matter what we did it was wrong. The first 48 hours were mind blowing but once you figured out it was a mind game it was a lot easier to handle. My company commander was Petty Officer Willet who after my dad is probably the most influential man in my life. Boot camp was a life changer and a confidence builder. I learned I could do what I thought was impossible. I learned how to fold my clothes and say yes sir. I learned how to fight fires and how to fight the enemy. I learned how to be a team player and how to be a strong individual. I learned respect, honor, courage and commitment.

I am proud to say I served in the U.S. Navy and 28 years ago today that time of my life began. What a great time it was. I saw the world from Alaska to Australia, from Africa to Europe, from Asia to America and everywhere in between.

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